Monday, April 28, 2014

Post # 6 The Obstacle I Faced

Post #6
I faced one of the biggest obstacles in my life at the ending of my junior high school.
As one of the top students in my class, I was considered almost guaranteed to go to the best high senior high school in my city. I met Waterloo in my senior high school entering exam and my results were not high enough for that school. I was so disappointed. My friends invited me to their parties to celebrate their success during that summer. I had to have fun with my friends. When I got home, my parents blamed me because they paid a lot extra fees for me to get into that best senior high school. However, I did not know why I did that bad in the exam because only officers were allowed to see these papers. I did not know how I got over it, neither. It was like a nightmare happened yesterday.

The only thing I could do was to bury myself into studying in the first year of senior high school. It changed me so much. Many of friends said that they felt like I became the one who likes being alone. They spend more time on chatting with me, helping me. To not disappoint them again, I tried to play more games with them when I had rest. Luckily, it took the most of my time to study with my new classmates during that year. We made fun of each other and helped each other. Everyone got so tried when they come to the classroom at near 6:20: in the morning after they finished their homework at near 1:00 am and had some sleep. But the tiredness did not decrease our interest to talk aloud with each other about some math, Chinese, English (nothing like I study now) and other problems. We studied hard and played hard with each other even we know all the classmates will be competitors in the Gao Kao (Chinese university entering exam). I quite enjoyed that year. It later becomes a year I miss.

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